Total= xxx jeux/boites maj 09/09/2016
A-TrainHX |
FS200102EOX11 |
*** |
Alan Wake |
K3F 00005 édition collector limitée |
***** |
Alien Isolation |
INL-XT214201LE-FR édition Nostromo |
***** |
Angry Birds Trilogy |
7672 |
**** |
Battlefield Bad Company |
DGF 6086 Gold edition (steelbox) |
**** |
Battlefield Bad Company 2 |
DGE 6752 |
**** |
Battlefield 3 |
DGF 7294 |
**** |
Battlefield 4 |
101112201601 |
***** |
Battlestations Midway |
900 25868 |
*** |
Bioshock |
5245869 steelbox |
**** |
Bioshock 2 |
5248853 Special Edition |
**** |
Burnout Paradise the ultimate box |
EAF 6303 |
***** |
Call of Duty 2 |
80937.FR |
*** |
Call of Duty 3 en marche vers paris |
81631.FR |
*** |
Call of Duty world at war |
83281.FR |
**** |
Call of Duty 4 modern warfare |
83399.FR édition jeu de l'année |
*** |
Call of Duty Ghosts |
84681206FR |
**** |
Call of Juarez |
3000 04713 |
*** |
Condemned 2 |
INL-XT203101-FR |
*** |
Crysis 2 |
EAF 7576 |
*** |
Dead Island |
ECD-900928 |
** [manque fiche code dlc, pas la bonne boite plastique] |
Dead Space |
EAF 6774 |
*** |
Dead Space 2 |
EAF 7583 |
*** |
Deus Ex human revolution |
900 43664 édition augmentée |
**** |
Dishonored |
ORN-49717-FRB Game of the year edition |
***** |
Duke Nukem forever |
5253239 |
** |
Eternal Sonata |
**** |
Fairytale Fights |
504307D1 |
***** |
Fallout 3 |
25513-FR collector's edition |
***** |
Fallout 3 Broken steel + Point lookout |
26589-FRE |
***** |
Fallout 3 The pitt + Operation: anchorage |
26282-FRE |
***** |
Fallout New Vegas |
INL-21539-FRA Ultimate edition [classics] |
***** |
F.E.A.R.2 project origin |
02222890 |
blister |
Forza 2 motorsport |
YJO 00038 édition collector limitée |
*** |
Gears of War |
U19 00040 |
*** |
Gears of War 2 |
C3U 00015 |
*** |
Gears of War 3 |
D9D 00012 |
** |
Grand Theft Auto IV |
5245937 |
**** |
Grand Theft Auto (IV) Episodes From Liberty City |
5249645 |
*** |
Halo 3 |
SLMCWMYOW bundle |
***** |
IL 2 Sturmovik - Birds Of Prey |
FO200101LOX11 |
*** |
L.A. Noire |
5255288 L'édition intégrale |
***** |
La Mémoire dans la Peau (The Bourne Conspiracy) |
S2190002 |
**** |
Le testament de Sherlock Holmes |
**** |
Les experts: Complot à Las Vegas |
300 034321 |
**** |
Les experts: Morts programmées |
300 006777 |
**** |
Les experts: Préméditation |
300 025204 |
*** |
Lost Planet extreme condition |
CJF 5496 |
*** |
Lost Planet 2 |
FRE 87024 |
*** |
Mass Effect |
M59 00041 |
**** |
Mass Effect 2 |
EAF 7061 |
*** |
Mass Effect 3 |
EAF 8180 |
*** |
Medal of Honor Airborne |
DWSW 5823 |
**** |
Metro 2033 |
CVS30578XB2FR1 |
*** |
Mirror's Edge |
DGF 6160 |
***** |
MotoGP 08 |
87015 FAH |
** |
Need for Speed Shift |
EAS 6643 |
*** |
Need for Speed Shift 2 Unleashed |
EAF 8182 limited edition |
** |
Project Gotham Racing 3 (PGR3) |
U25 00001 |
**** |
Racedriver GRID |
663 36375 |
*** |
Rage |
INL-43135-FRA anarchy edition |
*** |
Rayman origins |
300 042701 édition collector |
***** |
Red Dead Redemption |
5248235/IN |
***** |
Red Dead Redemption Undead nightmare |
5252836/IN |
***** |
Singularity |
83711.FR |
**** |
Skate |
EAF 5690 |
*** |
Smash Court Tennis 3 |
3546430141229 |
***** |
Table Tennis |
5245722/IN |
*** |
Tenchu Z |
4MX 00007 |
*** |
Test Drive Unlimited |
119686 |
**** |
Test Drive Unlimited 2 |
28154 |
*** |
The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion |
5245265 FRE collector's edition |
**** |
Tomb Raider Legend |
900 24915 |
*** |
Tomb Raider Anniversary |
900 31517 |
*** |
Top Spin 3 |
5247566/IN |
***** |
Wolfenstein |
83355.FR |
*** |
DJ Hero |
95815.EU renegade edition |
***** |
DJ Hero 2 |
96172.FR |
***** |
Guitar Hero II |
95073.EU |
***** |
Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock |
95137.EU |
***** |
Guitar Hero (3) Aerosmith |
95341.EU |
***** |
Guitar Hero (4) World Tour |
95533.EU complete band pack not for resale |
***** |
Guitar Hero (4) : Greatest Hits |
95783.EU not for resale |
*** |
Guitar Hero (4) : Metallica |
95999.EU not for resale |
***** |
Guitar Hero 5 |
95869.EU not for resale |
*** |
Guitar Hero (5) : Van Halen |
95799.EF |
*** |
Guitar Hero (5) : Warriors of rock |
96148.EF |
***** |
Band Hero |
95959.EF |
***** |
Rock Band |
EAF 5865 |
**** |
Rock Band : The Beatles |
EAF 6707 |
**** |
Rock Band : Greenday |
EAF 7527 |
*** |
Rock Band 2 |
EAF 6381 |
*** |
Rock Band (2) : Song Pack Vol.2 |
EAF 6459 |
*** |
Rock Band : LEGO |
890 06725 |
**** |
Rock Band 3 |
EAF 7685 |
**** |
N9A 00012 |
*** |
LIPS I <3 the 80s |
KYF 00005 |
*** |
LIPS number one hits |
MSD 00011 |
***** |
Udraw Studio dessiner facilement |
55892 |
**** |
Udraw Pictionary édition spéciale |
55823 |
**** |
Scene it? cinéma en folie |
--- coffret 4 buzzers |
*** |
Scene it? box-office |
CAC-00009 |
*** |
Scene it? You're in the movies |
--- |
**** manque sur-boite |
Xbox Live Arcade compilation disc |
with 360 console |
*** |
Xbox Live Arcade unplugged vol1 |
9DJ00005 |
***** |
Triple Pack Trials HD Limbo Splosion man |
7SJ00012 |
***** |
Triple Pack Outland From Dust Beyond Good & Evil HD |
300 044849 |
*** |
Grand Theft Auto IV |
boitier plastique slim, carte promo image de joueur et 500 ms points (NJA00010) |
**** |
2100 Microsoft Points |
boitier plastique épais spécial carte (56P-00106) |
***** |
1200 Microsoft Points |
slim carton Call of Duty Black Ops (56P-00243) |
***** |
1200 Microsoft Points |
slim carton Call of Duty MW3 (56P-00332) |
***** |
800 Microsoft Points |
slim carton Xblive (56P-00198) |
***** |
Wireless Racing Wheel Demo Disc |
paper sleeve (81752) disc (81750) |
** |